Increase Revenue

Beautiful photos & videos online showcasing your brand, driving new full paying customers & increasing your bottom line.

Why So Social?

92% of consumers worldwide trust recommendations from friends and family over all other forms of advertising.

Exclusivity Is Key

We are an invite only network, discounts are not mass marketed online, thus maintaining your brand integrity.

Free & Easy

Snapsaver is FREE to our partnering businesses, you choose the number of local influencers per day and we’ll do the rest.

“Snapsaver are really onto something, by building a community that love to get social and help local businesses out with a personal social media post which helps drive new full paying customers to the business.”
Andy Sheil Redfern, GM-The Botanist
Speech bubble


Holly McDonald
GM - Pizza Express, Metro Centre

Who has time to create & schedule social media posts but in this day and age it’s essential. Thanks to Snapsaver I now have a constant stream of social media content online. Best of all each Snapsaver customer has a unique set of friends and followers therefore we are reaching potential new customers with every generous Snapsaver user through the doors.

Gordon Codona
MD Players Bars

When I first heard about Snapsaver I was a little sceptical to say the least but I was quick to change my tune when I saw the interface and how Snapsaver has inspired their community by showing not telling, check out their vlogs to see what I mean. It’s great to finally see a product that mutually benefits both users and businesses alike and doesn’t cost a penny.

Andy Sheil Redfern
GM - Hotel Du Vin

I've honestly never considered using Groupon, Livingsocial or any other discount companies, for the simple fact they charge and don’t provide any benefits except discounted customers. Snapsaver however are really onto something by building a community of social influencers that care about local businesses. It’s a game changing 360 approach not to be missed.

Become a partner

The Snapsaver community Luv to talk about local businesses, which in turn helps to redistribute consumer footfall in various market sectors. So if you want your business to be the place everyone is talking about get signed up today.

It’s FREE to our partnering businesses, just choose the number of influencers per day in your establishment and watch the power of social influence do the rest.

Privacy Policy

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